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I’m Dr. Kim Brown

your holistic health & wellness change catalyst

Melbourne based Global NLP trainer, Time Line Therapy ® Practitioner & Hypnosis facilitator

I’m passionate about connecting and contributing to the empowerment of people’s lives. Whether you’re at crossroads in your career or relationships, I’ll help you regain control of your confidence and live a life without regrets.

Your passionate & empowering training facilitator

Here’s a fact that may come as a surprise to you. I’m also a qualified and dynamic Osteopath running a successful Melbourne based Health and Wellness clinic. My interest in allied and holistic health comes from my own experience of pain, and a curiosity about alternate healing options, mind tips and success hacks.

If you’re anything like me you want to end the physical, mental or emotional suffering and get your life back.

My story was a cocktail of constant back pain mixed with mental and physical stress.

After battling with pain and lethargy for years, I started to think there was more out there instead of the medical models that left me frustrated, tired and unsure who to trust.

I was curious about why some people were stuck in pain and discomfort while others were open to the prospect of moving into a state of optimal wellness.

Here’s what worked better for me. Learning NLP.

What I Can Do For You!

In order to best help my Healthcare patients, l embarked on a remarkable learning journey which now sees me qualified and certified as an NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy ® trainer.

While my Masters in Health degree helps me work life a mechanic for your body, my other qualifications assist me to help you like a mechanic for your mind, emotions and limitations.

Master NLP Coach & Practitioner with a Dash of Fun!

My firm-but-fair teaching style supports you to smash through emotional roadblocks, past upsets and aims to break the patterns of ‘comparison-itis’.

I know you already know this, but it’s worth reminding you. If you settle for the way things are, even though you know there’s something more out there for you, you’ll have regrets.

My work facilitates you to let go of the past and live a thriving life.

Dynamic & Authentic NLP & Hypnosis Practitioner Course Leader

I learned my craft alongside the best transformational trainers in the world.

I am passionate about supporting Conscious Thought Leaders, Change Makers and those who have a deep desire to create change on the planet.

I provide you with life-changing training that will not only change your life in every way possible ... but equip you to also change the lives of others.

My qualifications include:

Bachelor of Science

Master of Health Science (Osteopathy)

Certificate 3 & 4 in fitness (Personal Trainer)

Stott Mat Pilates Instructor qualified

NLP Practitioner

Master NLP Practitioner

NLP Trainer

Hypnosis Trainer and Master Practitioner

Reiki Level 1 & 2

Master Hypnosis Practitioner

Hypnosis Trainer

Quit smoking Specialist

Weight Loss Specialist

Time Line Therapy® Practitioner

Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner

Time Line Therapy® Trainer

Advanced Diploma Hospitality Management

I’d ask you to trust me to help change your life, but I want you to see for yourself.

You’ll see that following a clear direction in your life happens effortlessly.

But the first step is speaking with me to see if you’re a right fit for these skills.

and take the first step towards creating the life you REALLY want!