⏰ OUR FIRST CLASS STARTS 9th September to 24th November 2024

Introducing an almost magical method of personal transformation ...

Say Goodbye to Stress, Self Sabotage, Unwanted Weight and Self Defeating Habits Once and For All

Reset your subconscious mind, overhaul your body and get back in alignment with your soul in this 11 Week Life-changing program with Dr Kim Brown

as seen in

Introducing an almost magical method of personal transformation ...

Say Goodbye to Stress, Self Sabotage, Unwanted Weight and Self Defeating Habits Once and For All

Reset your subconscious mind, overhaul your body and get back in alignment with your soul in this 11 Week Life-changing program with Dr Kim Brown

as seen in


Do you feel like you don't even recognise the person in the mirror? Over time you've lost your zest for life, gained a bit of extra weight and just know life could and should be so much better?

Have you tried traditional counselling, fad diets, positive affirmations and setting goals, all to no avail? Or perhaps you know things need to change but just have no idea where to even start?

Let's be real .... what has this cost up until now and what is this going to cost you IF you don't do something about it?

It's more than just money, it's quality of life, time with your family, time doing the things you want to do, you HEALTH and SANITY ... and if something doesn't change right now ... if you don't make the choice to change this now, what will life look like in another 12 months?

More of the same, if not worse! Look, I know you've heard it all before ...

BUT ... bare with me because what I'm going to show you today can literally change the set of your sails for the rest of your life!

Once you learn the proven techniques inside the Embodied You Program, you can apply them in ALL areas of your life, for the rest of your life to instantly get yourself out of stress, anxiety, overwhelm and to break habits that keep you stuck!

Can you relate to any of this?

Lost Your Sense of Self

You feel like you don't even know who you are anymore. You've been so busy having kids, being parent, showing up for everyone else... and lost yourself somewhere along the way. You want to reconnect to you. You just want to feel good and to enjoy life again. You're ready for life to be better.

You feel stuck

You know all the things to do but are having trouble doing them! You get excited thinking 'yes this is finally it' but before you know it you're diving back into the fridge, spending money you don't have or skipping on the exercise because everything else is taking priority. You know you know better but the 'doing' it part has become hard!

You feel tired and drained

You're not sleeping all that well and when you do you don't feel like you have. You wake up feeling tired, as if you haven't slept at all, you're trying to do all the 'right' things but some days it's a bit of a struggle. Your memory has been better, your head is clouded and you feel constantly 'foggy'.

You feel like you've failed

You're a committed person and when you decide you are going to do something you usually do it - but for whatever reason you just feel like you keep falling short. You really want to show up as the best version of you and to really be loving your life but it all just feels a bit mundane and dull.

Can you imagine ...

In just a few short months from now you could be down a couple of clothes sizes, feeling the best you've ever felt and be totally in control of every aspect of you life?

Knowing exactly how to get out of overwhelm, reduce stress, fear and anxiety and return to a happy state within minutes

Waking up feeling energised, clear headed and fresh looking forward to your day

Feeling completely at peace within yourself and absolutely loving your reflection in the mirror

Feeling completely empowered around your finances, health and emotions, knowing that everything is under control

This is why I am so excited to introduce you to Embodied You ...

a total life transformation program for your body, mind and soul.

Especially designed to support you in getting the body you want, your finances under control and on the path to living the life you actually want to live!

In this super powerful 11 week program you are going to learn how to use powerful proven modalities to tap into your subconscious, to learn your triggers and overwrite your old patterns, habits and conditioning.

Most people try to fix their issues from a surface level, but that will never work long term and that is why you see yoyo dieting, things get better for a little while but not last and fall back into old ways of being.

On a conscious level you know all the things to do but it's your subconscious that runs the show!

Can you relate to any of this?

Lost Your Sense of Self

You feel like you don't even know who you are anymore. You've been so busy making a life with someone else and becoming who they wanted you to be, having kids, being Mum... and lost yourself somewhere along the way. You want to reconnect to you.

You feel stuck

You're trying to move on with your life but aren't quite sure which direction to even go in. You lost so much of you to the relationship and now you're on the other side trying to remember who you were before it and are so ready to move on to the next chapter of your life.

You feel tired and drained

You're not sleeping very well. You wake up feeling tired, as if you haven't slept at all, you're trying to do all the 'right' things but some days it's a bit of a struggle. Your memory has been better, your head is clouded and you feel constantly 'foggy'.

You feel like you've failed

You're a committed person and when you said 'I do' / made that long term commitment, you did it with all of your heart. You're questioning whether you'll eventually meet the right person and deep, deep down wondering if you're even good enough.

You are where you are right now because of your subconscious patterns and conditioning and the GREAT news is ... I'm going to teach you how to change it - once and for all!

Your Subconscious Mind is Directly Responsible For Your Current Life

The subconscious mind is like a super computer that has had a life time of programs installed.

These programs have served you in some way, shape or form over the course of your life, but right now these old programs are responsible for holding you back, keeping you stuck on a hamster wheel.

The great news is though, that just like a computer, we can find those programs and delete what's causing the frustration, doubt and self defeating habits in your life.

This is why trying to change your life via willpower, goal setting and positive thinking will NEVER work for the long term!

No more having to FORCE yourself to do the things you need to do because you will be rewired to make those things easy and second nature!

Here's what you need to know ...

Your subconscious mind has been programmed via repetition over your life. Repeating thoughts, repeating habits, repeating behaviours make your actions automatic. This is why you've been struggling to make changes that stick!

Your brain has millions of neural pathways and are like little ropes. Every time an action or thought is repeated, it's like adding a strand to that rope and the neural pathway gets stronger and stronger making your actions automatic. It's not something you think about, because as I said earlier, on a conscious level you know all the things to do but it's not the conscious mind that's responsible for your results (or lack there of).

My techniques and methods are designed to sever the old neural pathways and build new ones so that doing the things you want to do become EASY and second nature!

your mind can literally be your greatest ally or enemy!

What is Embodied You?

Embodied You is a comprehensive 11 Week Total Life Transformation program that teaches you the necessary skills and techniques to make HUGE changes in ALL areas of your life!

It has been specifically designed to EMPOWER you to take back control of your health, emotions, fitness and finances!

The goal of the program is to help you shed weight, unlock trapped emotions, discover your automatic triggers and to reset your subconscious so that it supports you in making life long changes ... so that you never have to be here again!

How Does It Work? ...

You'll join me for 2 empowering sessions a week for 11 weeks LIVE online. Replays will be made available for you in the members area to go through in your own time.

These sessions are designed to help you BREAK THROUGH your personal barriers.

I combine an array of healing modalities including Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy®, the Emotional Freedom Technique and Breathework.

You'll have a new skillset to call upon in times of stress or struggle to help you stay on track living your best life!

You'll receive worksheets, workbooks and a nutrition guide with what to put in your body and supplementations to support your health at a physical level.

Community - an opportunity to be able to be seen be heard but also guided through your stuff in a low cost way. To do this work with me 1:1 would be $500 AUD a session, your getting 11 weeks with me for a tiny fraction of the cost!

Participate from anywhere in the world!

This is a body, mind and soul transformation unlike anything you've seen before!

Join us for 11 weeks of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment with Embodied You.

All the Details ...

This program is being facilitated online from Melbourne, Australia. We are excited to welcome participants from countries around the world!


9th September to 24th November 2024


Zoom; on your phone, tablet or PC

Each week of Embodied You offers a transformational experience designed to help you reconnect with your true self, rediscover your inner strength, and embrace a new way of approaching optimal health and well-being.

Are you ready to embark on this empowering journey?

Inside the Course

Week One - Set the Foundation for Success

It's time for you to jump back into the drivers seat of your life! This week will be all about laying a strong foundation for the coming weeks.

In week one we cover:

Introduction & Preparation - How to get the most out of the Embodied You Program 

Health Mastery, healing your body from the inside out 

Optimal Health & Gut Restoration

Week Two - Values Inventory

Delve into the subconscious to uncover what truly drives you and discover the root of your struggles, procrastination, and unmet goals.

No more guessing why you struggle, why you procrastinate, why you haven’t yet reached your goals that you promise yourself repeatedly that “this time” it will be different

 Find out from your nervous system why you play out your patterns

This week is a complete eye opener! Say goodbye to the cycle of broken promises and truly understand your own personal patterns as determined by your nervous system.

Not knowing this is why you keep cycling in self-defeating patterns.

Week Three - Raising Your Consciousness Through Evolution

In week 3 of our course, we delve into the powerful journey of raising your consciousness through evolution. By closely examining and identifying your negative emotions and limiting beliefs that may be hindering your growth, we pave the way for transformative change.

Together, we explore:

Identifying your negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding your evolution back

Choosing new patterns, new beliefs, new empowering ways of living your life

Empowering ways of living that align with your true potential and allow you to step into a higher state of being

Unlock your full evolutionary potential

Embrace a life of limitless possibilities!

Week Four – Emotional Freedom Technique

The Journey of Emotional Freedom Technique - clear out limiting beliefs and negative emotions with tapping and guided Positive EFT.

Clear your meridian pathways

Free yourself from stuck energy

Create the energy to thrive

Feel empowered to use it any time you need to help you out of stressful situations

Week Five – Guided Hypnotherapy

Unlock the potential of your unconscious mind with guided hypnotherapy. Transform your health, wealth, and relationships as you create the future you've always dreamed of.

Experience the power of positive programming and watch as your life blossoms into everything you've been searching for

Improve relationships with the people that matter to you

A sense of freedom and empowerment

Week Six – Water Fasting

Be guided through the implementation of a water fast. Heal your gut, control your cravings, improve your energy and focus!

Water fasting can lead to rapid weight loss as the body taps into stored fat for energy

Improved digestion: Water fasting gives the digestive system a break, allowing it to rest and reset. This can improve digestion and reduce bloating

Increased energy: Many people report feeling more energetic and focused during and after water fasting, as the body becomes more efficient at using energy

Detoxification: Water fasting can help the body eliminate toxins and waste products, leading to improved overall health and well-being

Week Seven – Embodied Leadership

Step into your personal power as you uncover who you truly are, run your business, your relationships and run your life with emotional freedom.

Increased self-awareness: Discovering who you really are allows you to have a better understanding of your values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness can help you make better decisions and navigate challenges more effectively

Improved self-confidence: When you know and accept yourself for who you truly are, you can develop a stronger sense of self-confidence. This can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin and have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams

Better relationships: Understanding your own needs, preferences, and boundaries can help you communicate more effectively with others and form more authentic and fulfilling relationships. Being true to yourself can also attract like-minded individuals who appreciate you for who you are

Enhanced mental health: Discovering who you really are can lead to a greater sense of purpose, fulfilment, and overall well-being. It can help reduce feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt, leading to improved mental health and emotional resilience

Week Eight – Money Mentality Magic

In this transformative module, we will delve deep into your money mentality, helping you shift your energy and vibration around finances. Join us on this journey to financial freedom and empowerment.

Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to abundance and prosperity

Break free from the shackles of the debt vibration

Improve your relationship with money

Realise your true worth

Week Nine - Owning your Embodied You

This week you're going to learn how to own ALL of who you TRULY are!

Step into the true authentic you, free from the burdens of limiting beliefs

Release the shadow, deconstruct your Ego and choose You

Stop being a doormat that people walk all over and have the courage to say NO!

Week Ten – Goal setting with a difference

No more writing out your goals and wishing for them to come true. Step into the knowingness that your goals and dreams are yours by shifting your identity, your worth and your vibration.

Powerful sessions with strategies and anchoring so you live your best life.

Accomplish so much more!

Release fear and anxiety around setting and obtaining your goals

Create your most awesome life one goal at a time!

Module Eleven - Integration week

This week is all about bringing everything together with hypnotherapy and Positive EFT techniques.

Valuable take-home strategies to help you thrive in your journey towards positive change and growth

Powerful hypnotherapy session

Secure new behaviors and beliefs into your neurology

If you're ready to finally get back into the drivers seat of your life once and for all ... to drop the weight, gain control of your finances and become the BEST version of you ever .... the Embodied You program is for you!

You’ll see that following a clear direction in your life happens effortlessly, once you complete this game-changer training!

Who is Dr Kim Brown?

Dr Kim Brown has been recognised as Top 1% of Mindset Coach and the 4th Top female Australian coach. She is a Master NLP, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy® trainer with a Masters of Health Science. Kim is also qualified in Energy Psychology and a specialised Kinesiology Practitioner.

Kim is not only highly qualified to teach you these processes, she is also absolutely passionate about helping people get life changing results.

Her firm-but-fair teaching style supports you to smash through emotional roadblocks, past upsets and aims to break the patterns of ‘comparison-itis’.

Kims motto is "If you settle for the way things are, even though you know there’s something more out there for you, you’ll have regrets."

Her work facilitates you to let go of the past and live a thriving life.

Yes Kim! I need this!

If you're ready to finally take your life back into your own hands, learn a new skillset, overhaul your subconscious mind so it works FOR YOU not against you ...

and you're sick and tired of being sick and tired ....

and you're fully committed to making the rest of your life the BEST of your life ....


Here's the deal. I'm running this round LIVE with me. To do 1:1 sessions with me this program would cost you $5,500 AUD but because I've made it a group program you won't even pay close to this!

Also, in future, this program will be offered as a self paced course and won't have me live offering feedback and suggestions - this is literally PRICELESS.


Due to the nature of this program and my desire to help everyone who joins on a deep level, there are limited seats available. Once all seats are gone the doors will close, again, this is the ONLY OPPORTUNITY you will get to do this course at this price, with this intensive level of support.


Pay In Full - Save $218

Just $777 when you pay in full! ZIP and Afterpay are available at the checkout so that you can lock in your spot today! Limited spaces available. Once they're full the door closes!

Payment Plan - $90.45 today

If you know you really need to do this but funds are a little bit tight at the moment, you can take the program and pay via 11x weekly payments of $90.45 - so that you can enrol and join this round!

** Afterpay, Klarna and Zip only available for full payment, excludes subscriptions

To Recap You Will Get ...

  • 2 live sessions a week with Dr Kim Brown. valued at $5,500

  • Worksheets, Nutrition and Supplement Plan plus workbooks

  • Life time access to the program area with access to all future updates! value PRICELESS

  • Feedback and support from Dr Kim Brown on the live sessions! value PRICELESS

Pay In Full - Save $218

Just $777 when you pay in full! ZIP and Afterpay are available at the checkout so that you can lock in your spot today! Limited spaces available. Once they're full the door closes!

Payment Plan - $90.45

If you know you really need to do this but funds are a little bit tight at the moment, you can take the program and pay via 11x weekly payments of $90.45 so you can get started in this round!

** Afterpay, Klarna and Zip only available for full payment, excludes subscriptions